

I don’t much like the dresses they sell today in woman’s clothing shops. I wasn’t exactly sure why for a while, it’s not that the patterns are so bad, or that they are shaped strangely, but I recently realized the main difference between an enticing dress that a girl could wear anyway from the 1960s, and one from today is the area between the upper chest to the neck.


Today I went to attend my classes and saw at least thirteen girls wearing strapless dresses. I was shocked how sort of ‘too much’ the look was. It doesn’t even look like a dress, more like a fancy bath towel being draped around a girl with a belt. I was imaging how easy it would be for someone to accidentally step on her poor ‘dress’ on the stairway, causing it to slip right off of her.




This is the kind of dress a girl can depend on to stay on, and fulfil it’s purpose as clothing.

I really don’t wear many dresses myself. I have a longer skirt, but I’m not always into the ‘guys in dresses thing’ except for certain circumstances. So I really don’t know much about this sort of thing, but it sort of shocked me today, to find out how much I didn’t like this particular style fad.

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