
“I want to be a gentleman, you just need to give me a chance!”

My personality, actions and demeanour are always a mix between masculine characteristics, and female traits, so finding an obvious way for expressing masculinity is not always as easy as it could be if I wasn't such an outlandish gender-bender.

I express my feminine traits with ways of dress, clothing styles, and sometimes even with cosmetics. I have a few feminine habits such as folding my legs while sitting, and gesturing my hands often when speaking. You may be surprised what volumes your common physical habits can speak.

However, expressing masculinity is a little bit harder when stereotypically, people see me as the kind of person who would much rather be the less dominant figure in a group of both men and woman.

Little acts of kindness acting towards females really help. It makes a lady feel good, and it makes a man feel more ‘dominant’ (please don’t take offense to my terminology if there are any ladies reading this, I’m certainly not saying that woman are any less than men).

  • Pulling out someone’s chair when they sit down
  • Opening doors for your friends, girlfriend, or strangers behind you
  • Holding a girl’s hand when walking across a street (mostly applying to couples, other’s may be offended or annoyed)
  • Taking your lover’s jacket, or putting it on when leaving or coming to a place indoors
  • Carrying books for someone (students: you may think it’s out of date, but it’s very much not so!)
  • Complimenting someone when greeting them
  • Treat all woman with respect, even ones who haven’t given you any. (It may seem pointless to be nice to someone who will never give any thought to liking you, but other people will see how tolerant you are of that sort of thing, and it’s very attractive in a man.)
  • A gentleman will not swear in the presence of a lady, or someone in authority of you. (Boss, parent, etc.)
  • Gift your lover with flowers, candy or whatever it is she fancies. All though I used the typical flower/candy gift as an example, other things like music, or jewellery are also important. Jut ask what sort of things she likes.
  • Don’t let other people insult any lady you are with, but don’t start fights either. Just make sure that the women you are with get their desired respect.

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